The Virtual World as a resource for learning
1.a) Learning outcome and audience
1.a) Learning outcome and audience
This blog is designed to give you a step by step guide to increase your learning through virtual networking within the virtual world Secondlife.
It will help you to install the software necessary to use Secondlife and guide you through a step by step processes on navigating through the virtual world then finally help you in improving your learning by showing you the extensive connections you can make.
It will help you to install the software necessary to use Secondlife and guide you through a step by step processes on navigating through the virtual world then finally help you in improving your learning by showing you the extensive connections you can make.
Learning outcome
Using Second Life (SL) as a learning tool to make use of the many resources the virtual world has to offer.
You will be able to use SL as part of your learning network to meet like minded people of similar interests, join groups who have joined together to offer help in specified fields and to help each other, also, using SL as a learning resource allows you the opportunity to navigate the multiple links to educational content these people, groups and resources offer.
My goal is to help people find and use the educational resources the SL groups, classes and tools have to offer.
Example, Website design
Log into SL and search website design in the in-world search bar, join a web design group to quickly find the web design resources SL offers, meet and talk about what your needs are, for instance web sight basics, through the group and attending website design classes, seminar and hanging with others in the group you will able to draw help from these connections to learn about the basics of web design.
Target audience
This blog is designed to target anyone who is looking to improve their learning options, this can be anyone from a student to someone at home looking to learn more about a topic by attempting to find related resources in the virtual communinty.
- All ages
- Average person
- Gamers
- All fields of Work
- Fund raising
- In-world residents
- Students
- Teachers
- Business
- Groups
- People that would like help in specific fields but have limited resources.
Slide-share is a site that lets you upload power-points, PDFs, keynote and open documents presentations, privately or open to the public for use and storage.This would let me upload a presentation for public use, it would be easy to access and download, although viable may require multiple uploads but is simple and effective.
Blogs are easy to create, easy to access and lets you insert many learning resources like downloads and links. Using blogs may offer a more versatile container in which to fill with useful information and links like Slide-share but would let me edit and modify as needed.
Preferred solution
My preferred presentation of this project is through a blog, I can add media and files such as downloadable PDFs and video, and links to sites such as Slide-share, YouTube, Second-life and resources.
How will this cater to the audience
- Users can access the blog easily through search.
- Users can navigate the blog easily because of its simple layout.
- The information is easy to find because the simple user interface layout helps the user easily identify the data and navigation tools.
- The information is easy to access, the files are easy to find and download or navigate to through the simple interface and links.
Development methodology
There are three methodologies for showing a visual framework of a projects development, by showing the projects goals and plan of achievement from beginning to completion.
The OTARA model
The OTARA model is a categorised activity based plan focused on supplying a visual framework of:
- information about what you would required to complete a project
- an outline of the objectives of the activities,
- how the objectives will be attained through planned tasks,
- the requirements needed to complete the objectives such as resources and constraints,
- an overview of the activities upon completion of the project.
The ADDIE model
The ADDIE model is a waterfall style model, it offers an effective framework for training and support tools as its generic layout produces an instant and simple visual presentation of information categorised into five processes.
Analysis of the projects current position to the completed position, the difference is call the performance gap.
Design as the analysis identifies the performance gap the design phase identifies the performance objectives.
Development as the project analysis and design identifies the performance gap and objectives, then using this information a performance solution can be defined.
Implementation is the stage where the performance solution is delivered.
Evaluation stage is where the performance solution is measured based on how successfully it was delivered. (, 2016)
The Rapid Prototyping model
This methodology also known as the Throwaway methodology is based on the creation of a prototype or beta version model of a project and used to test against the projects design, functionality and performance, useful for the allowing of corrections throughout the project and offering quick response times , highly useful in decreasing development time in a projects completion.
The advantages of the Rapid Prototyping model:
- Increased options available to choose from.
- Increased output of information.
- Improved avoidance of mistakes in the project development.
- Less corrections required throughout the project.
- Early elimination of redundancy.
- Quickly identify optimal features in the project.
- Allow for quick delivery and response to projects development. (, 2016)
OTARA methodology
The scope of this project does not require the Rapid Prototyping methodology and the ADDIE model is as effective as the OTARA model so I just decided to use the OTARA method to identify the projects objectives and manage activities to do and tasks to complete .
OTARA model
1 Install viewer
2 Viewer basics
3 In-world navigation
4 Social network
-Understand requirements
-Introduce viewer
-Navigation basics
-Attend and participate
-Install the viewer
-Understand viewer
-Viewer search options
-Create user profile
-Websites and blog
-Viewer software
-Viewer preferences
-Avatar, user preferences
-Viewer navigation
-Understand tools
-Navigate SL
-Add SL to PLN
Project plan
This is a view of the scheduled tasks and dates of this project.

The above view of this project shows the start dates of the projects creation and each task involved in the project to its completion.
I included a milestone in this project plan because working towards goals using mini goals is a good way to ensure you are keeping to your schedule.
1.b) Preliminary design
Learning outcome
Using Second Life (SL) as a learning tool to make use of the many resources the virtual world has to offer.
You will be able to use SL as part of your learning network to meet like minded people of similar interests, join groups who have joined together to offer help in specified fields and to help each other, also, using SL as a learning resource allows you the opportunity to navigate the multiple links to educational content these people, groups and resources offer.
My goal is to help people find and use the educational resources the SL groups, classes and tools have to offer.
Example, Website design
Log into SL and search website design in the in-world search bar, join a web design group to quickly find the web design resources SL offers, meet and talk about what your needs are, for instance web sight basics, through the group and attending website design classes, seminar and hanging with others in the group you will able to draw help from these connections to learn about the basics of web design.
Target audience
This blog is designed to target anyone who is looking to improve their learning options, this can be anyone from a student to someone at home looking to learn more about a topic by attempting to find related resources in the virtual communinty.- All ages
- Average person
- Gamers
- All fields of Work
- Fund raising
- In-world residents
- Students
- Teachers
- Business
- Groups
- People that would like help in specific fields but have limited resources.
Slide-share is a site that lets you upload power-points, PDFs, keynote and open documents presentations, privately or open to the public for use and storage.This would let me upload a presentation for public use, it would be easy to access and download, although viable may require multiple uploads but is simple and effective.
Blogs are easy to create, easy to access and lets you insert many learning resources like downloads and links. Using blogs may offer a more versatile container in which to fill with useful information and links like Slide-share but would let me edit and modify as needed.
Preferred solution
My preferred presentation of this project is through a blog, I can add media and files such as downloadable PDFs and video, and links to sites such as Slide-share, YouTube, Second-life and resources.
How will this cater to the audience
- Users can access the blog easily through search.
- Users can navigate the blog easily because of its simple layout.
- The information is easy to find because the simple user interface layout helps the user easily identify the data and navigation tools.
- The information is easy to access, the files are easy to find and download or navigate to through the simple interface and links.
Development methodology
There are three methodologies for showing a visual framework of a projects development, by showing the projects goals and plan of achievement from beginning to completion.
The OTARA model
The OTARA model is a categorised activity based plan focused on supplying a visual framework of:
- information about what you would required to complete a project
- an outline of the objectives of the activities,
- how the objectives will be attained through planned tasks,
- the requirements needed to complete the objectives such as resources and constraints,
- an overview of the activities upon completion of the project.
The ADDIE model
The ADDIE model is a waterfall style model, it offers an effective framework for training and support tools as its generic layout produces an instant and simple visual presentation of information categorised into five processes.
Analysis of the projects current position to the completed position, the difference is call the performance gap.
Design as the analysis identifies the performance gap the design phase identifies the performance objectives.
Development as the project analysis and design identifies the performance gap and objectives, then using this information a performance solution can be defined.
Implementation is the stage where the performance solution is delivered.
Evaluation stage is where the performance solution is measured based on how successfully it was delivered. (, 2016)
The Rapid Prototyping model
This methodology also known as the Throwaway methodology is based on the creation of a prototype or beta version model of a project and used to test against the projects design, functionality and performance, useful for the allowing of corrections throughout the project and offering quick response times , highly useful in decreasing development time in a projects completion.
The advantages of the Rapid Prototyping model:
- Increased options available to choose from.
- Increased output of information.
- Improved avoidance of mistakes in the project development.
- Less corrections required throughout the project.
- Early elimination of redundancy.
- Quickly identify optimal features in the project.
- Allow for quick delivery and response to projects development. (, 2016)
OTARA methodology
The scope of this project does not require the Rapid Prototyping methodology and the ADDIE model is as effective as the OTARA model so I just decided to use the OTARA method to identify the projects objectives and manage activities to do and tasks to complete .OTARA model
Objectives | Theme | Activities | Resources | Assessment |
1 Install viewer 2 Viewer basics 3 In-world navigation 4 Social network |
-Understand requirements -Introduce viewer -Navigation basics -Attend and participate |
-Install the viewer -Understand viewer -Viewer search options -Create user profile |
-Websites and blog -Viewer software -Viewer preferences -Avatar, user preferences |
-Viewer navigation -Understand tools -Navigate SL -Add SL to PLN |
Project plan
This is a view of the scheduled tasks and dates of this project.
The above view of this project shows the start dates of the projects creation and each task involved in the project to its completion.
I included a milestone in this project plan because working towards goals using mini goals is a good way to ensure you are keeping to your schedule.
1.b) Preliminary design
How the learning outcome could be implemented
The objectives of this project is to help users increase their learning resources by attending lectures and activities, joining groups and meeting people relevant to the users interests in the virtual world Secondlife.Before anyone can begin they must first learn and perform the Secondlife viewer installation which will be provided in the blog.
Learning objectives
Learning the basics of using the viewer they must be actively involved in:- Accumulating learning resources,
- Joining groups,
- Going to places found in topic,
- Attending event that will increase their learning, Socialise with the topic populace.
Topics covered
These topics are used to describe the main 4 sections the user would expect to address in order to progress through the project:- Understand the requirements in order to complete the installation of the Secondlife viewer.
- Understand the viewer program, e.g., preferences, upload, graphics, media.
- Understand viewer in-world navigation basics, e.g., search, communication, folder, appearance.
- Understand processes to increase learning resources, e.g., attend classes, join groups, follow online links, increase educational social network.
Locate and install Secondlife viewer
- Study prerequisites of SL program hardware and software requirements.
- Navigate to Secondlfe home page
- Register
- Download viewer
- Install viewer
Understand basics of viewer program
- Set personal preferences, eg, graphic, media.
- Understand avatar navigation basics, e.g., walk.
- Understand communication basics, e.g., open/private chat.
Understand the viewer search options
- Locate search options and the use of the option, e.g., search places, groups, people, events.
- Understand profile navigation.
Create user profile
- Enter avatar and personal information, e.g., about me, goals, skills.
Attend an in-world class or meeting
- Locate, join and attend an in-world class, e.g., building class, educational class. This is a class I attended which was about student skills on Secondlife which can be found here.
Fill out questionnaire
- Based on the users implementation of the project.
- Based on the uses experiences in-world.
Download the PDF
- Download the Secondlife Guide PDF from the home page on the blog.
View the Slideshow from the home page on the blog.
- Follow the link to Slide-share on the home page of the blog.
Activity assessment
Knowledge of Secondlife viewer, e.g., preferences.User will understand the viewer tools, e.g., avatar resident navigation, communication.
User will be able to navigate Secondlife incorporating the search options.
User will increase their educational network, e.g., directions to educational resources in-world and online, in-world educational connections such as educational groups and people in similar positions.
An assessment tool I have chosen to use in the project is a questionnaire on the users experiences, this will help me to assess the project and make corrections as necessary such as activity improvements and project design modifications.
Questionnaire created in Google forms
The above diagram is a map of how the project blog will be set up. From the Home page will be the main blog for users to view, learn from and add to, from the home page you will see the PDF file which can open via a Slide-share link or download as a PDF file.
In the page-bar on the Home page, users will be able to go to these pages:
Resources for this blog will be in the form of:
In the page-bar on the Home page, users will be able to go to these pages:
- About page introduction of Secondlife homepage, about page and registration.
- Rules page links to the Secondlife official rules page.
- Requirements page shows the software and hardware requirements page to run Secondlife on their PC
- The PLN page shows how to increase a users personal learning network tips page.
Typical page
This is the page layout I will use consistently through out the blog, there is the Nav-bar directing to the main pages in the blog,
the main information is held in the column on the left and there are 4 gadgets in the right side-bar, about me at the top, a slideshow below that, then the archives list for blog navigation and an RSS feed to the Secondlife official blog at the bottom.
the main information is held in the column on the left and there are 4 gadgets in the right side-bar, about me at the top, a slideshow below that, then the archives list for blog navigation and an RSS feed to the Secondlife official blog at the bottom.
(DLTvirtuallearning, 2016)
Graphical description
This is a default blog template with the main column and side-bar extended.
The blog has a generic lay out that is consistent through all the pages.
It has a single nav-bar that directs to five pages.
The column on the left will contain the main part of the page information.The side-bar on the right has four gadgets ordered, the About me link, a slideshow, archives and an RSS feed.
The blog has a generic lay out that is consistent through all the pages.
It has a single nav-bar that directs to five pages.
The column on the left will contain the main part of the page information.The side-bar on the right has four gadgets ordered, the About me link, a slideshow, archives and an RSS feed.
The colours theme of the page will be shaded and dark with the transparent default blog background picture.Font
- The font is in Georgia, and is set to large size.
- Default font colour is under black.
- Heading is sized to extra large.
- Subheading is sized to large.
- Minor heading is sized to large.
Page descriptions
Home page
- Contains the blog
- PDF download
- Slide-share link
- Consistent generic layout
About page
- Contain the about Secondlife description with links
- Consistent generic layout
- Contain the basic rules that residents in-world must obey with link.
- Consistent generic layout
- The main column will contain basic hardware and software requirements with pictures and links.
- Consistent generic layout
PLN page
- Contain information in main column.
- Links
- Consistent generic layout
- Images from myself taken in-world and from online sites.
- Links to required pages such as Secondlife home page, Marketplace and SL Blog.
- Websites relevant to Secondlife educational providers, residents private learning networks, and informatory link.
- Power-point via Slide-share of overview of Project.
- PDF downloadable version of Power-point.
The Blog "Using Secondlife as a learning tool"can be found here
-, 2016. Retrieved from:
-, 2016. Retrieved from:
- Coursera AI,2016. Retrieved from:
- DLTvirtuallearning, 2016. Retrieved from:
Statement of authenticity
I confirm that:
This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work. It contains no material previously published or written by another person or myself except where due acknowledgement is made in the text.No material which to a substantial extent, has been submitted for any other academic course, is included without acknowledgement.
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